#1 – Shampoo and Newspaper
One of the most simple water filtration systems that you can design and build is a shampoo and newspaper filtration system. This system will not only filter out sediment from your water sample, but it will also remove contaminants like oil, pesticides and other oily substances. To create this water filtration system you will need a stack of newspapers, shampoo and your contaminated water.
First create your newspaper filter by laying several pieces of newspaper over a bucket. Next spread a layer of shampoos on the surface of the newspaper. Finally, slowly pour the contaminated water over the newspaper filter. The water will be cleaned by the shampoo and filtered by the newspaper.
#2 – Mini-Earth Water Processor
The second option that you have is to create a miniature version of the earth’s water filtration system. For this you will need a five gallon bucket, plastic hosing, large stones, medium sized stones, cheese cloth, gravel and sand. You will also need a tool to cut a hole in the bottom of your bucket.
To build this water filtration system you will cut a hole in the bottom of your buck large enough to fit the hose and a rubber stopper. Thread the hose through the hole and secure it with a rubber washer. Next line the bucket with finely woven cheese cloth, gauze or burlap. Make sure the fabric square is large enough to line the entire bucket and to hang outside the bucket. Add a layer of sand, then pea gravel, then medium sized rocks and finally top it off with larger stones.
Place your bucket up on a table so that the hose hangs down and comes to rest in normal bucket on the floor. Pour the contaminated water into the filter bucket and allow the water to be processed. The clean water will be collected in the second bucket.
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