Saturday, June 21, 2014

It’s the Final Week of the Idaho Math Cup!

It’s down to the wire. Just one week is left of the Idaho Math Cup!

The Idaho Math Cup is an annual tradition in Idaho where students from across the state spend the month of November competing to work on the most complex math problems through Think Through Math.

The winning class is awarded the coveted Idaho Math Cup. Other classroom and individual prizes also are up for grabs to recognize the hard work of all Idaho students.

Think Through Math is part of the Idaho Math Initiative, which began in 2008. The state has contracted with Think Through Math, a web-based, interactive tutoring program, to provide supplemental mathematics to students in grades 3-12 both in the classroom and outside the school day. Think Through Math has an incentive program built in so as students solve more math problems, they earn points and can win prizes or turn their points into donations for charity.

Even though students are out of school on a holiday break during this final week, we always see lots of activity! Whether at home or at school, Idaho students are serious about completing their math lessons.

Many classes across Idaho are still in the running. Here are the Top 10 as of today:
  • The Math Lab 7 class of Rocky Mountain Middle School, Bonneville Joint School District  
  • Mrs. Werner’s class, Joplin Elementary, Meridian School District
  • Mr. Walker’s class of River Valley Elementary, Meridian School District
  • The Homeroom class of Twin Lakes Elementary, Lakeland Joint School District
  • The Gothard’s Multiplication Class of Ustick Elementary, Meridian School District
  • The 6B class of White Pine Elementary, Boise School District
  • The C. Brenner class of Prospect Elementary, Meridian School District
  • The Mrs. Troy class of Highlands Elementary, Boise School District
  • Mr. Lavin’s class of Pepper Ridge Elementary, Meridian School District
  • The Homeroom 2 class of Twin Lakes Elementary, Lakeland Joint School District
But remember, anyone still has a chance to win!

Here are the other prizes available for classrooms and students:
  • Idaho Math Cup Runner Up Winners: Second and third place will be based on the highest average of lessons completed plus lessons passed per enrolled student.
  • Gurus of Giving: Be the class that donates the most THINK points per enrolled student to any TTM featured charity during the contest time frame.
  • Evening and Weekend Warriors: Be the class that completes and passes the most lessons per enrolled student during after school hour and weekend hours.
  • Holiday Heroes: Be the class that completes and passes the most lessons per enrolled student over the Thanksgiving break (November 28 through December 1).
Keep up the great work in this final week!

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