Tuesday, February 18, 2014


The House Education Committee on Monday passed House Bill 504, a bill that works to implement the first portion of the Career Ladder Compensation Model recommended by the Task Force for Improving Education.

Specifically, this legislation would provide $15.9 million in funding that Idaho’s school districts can use to pay leadership awards to Idaho teachers serving in leadership capacities. This is just one portion of the Career Ladder that the Task Force recommended to change the way Idaho’s teachers are compensated.

“Today, the House Education Committee took an important first step toward improving compensation for all Idaho’s teachers,” Superintendent of Public Instruction Tom Luna said. “The Task Force for Improving Education developed a framework for implementing a Career Ladder Compensation Model to create fiscal stability and help recruit and retain the best and the brightest in the teaching profession. By approving the leadership awards portion of the Career Ladder this year, the Legislature will take an important first step this year that allows us as a state to take the critical second step next year and implement the full Career Ladder.”

Superintendent Luna supports the $15.9 million in funding for leadership awards along with a 1 percent increase in funding for base salaries for Idaho’s teachers in fiscal year 2015 until the Career Ladder can be fully implemented in fiscal year 2016.

House Bill 504 will now head to the full House for approval.

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